Saturday, June 6, 2015

"I don't even know if I believe" what I just listened to

Mumford & Sons has done it again.
Killing my soul piece by piece with lyrics that are, without a doubt, the most relatable of all of their albums. Poetic really.

"Believe" may be the most popular song... but ya know what... IT DESERVES IT.
Have you read the lyrics?
I read them and literally felt like I wrote them. They were my actual thoughts on a day to day basis that I could never put into words. THIS is where I find the magic in music. When someone can illustrate your exact feeling without even knowing you. Its beautiful to know that you aren't the only one, right?

We all have that one person, ya know..

"You may call it in this evening, but you've only lost the night. Preset all your pretty feelings. May they comfort you tonight."

THIS. When you just want to see them. You don't even care if its for five seconds. But for some twisted reason, not even because its that they actually don't ever want to see you, they would just rather spend it in their own solitude. Soaking up the mixed feelings. And in turn, destroying your self-esteem...

"And I'm climbing over something, and I'm running through these walls."

self explanatory. literally running through walls... more like 'into' them at this point.

"I don't even know if I believe, everything you're trying to say to me."

Sorority snaps to this lyric because there's always this on-the-fence thought in your head that maybe I'm just irrelevant? Maybe I'm only being kept around because I've stayed? Maybe if I left it wouldn't even matter? Do they even mean anything they say? Is this just some twisted game?

"I had the strangest feeling, your world's not all it seems. So tired of misconceiving what else this could have been."

I could really just stop typing right now because that may have been the greatest lyric to ever be written in this day and age. because let's face many times do you find yourself unsure. Without closure.

But wait, that's what keeps us coming back for more right? We are all idiots. Every last one of us.

"So open up my eyes. Tell me I'm alive. This is never going to go our way if I'm gonna have to guess what's on your mind."

Lets pretend like this person is just reluctant to say any sorts of feelings. As if those feelings exist at all, because at this point, who the hell knows.
That's one thing I will never ever be able to wrap my head around.
Wouldn't the world be so much more colorful and artistic if people didn't bottle up LOVE.
OF ALL THINGS TO KEEP TO YOURSELF....... why love. Why. Someone draw this out for me, please.

"Say something, say something, something like you love me. That you wanna move away from the noise of this place."

That'll be the damn day, man.

Stay Gold --  KT