Sunday, February 22, 2015


For the record(lol record.. see what i did there), I have no idea what that word means. Not even real sure if the band does.

Whether I'm talking about just the single, or the album as a whole, let me tell ya..... its A+.
However, for this post, I'm gonna translate what I interpret personally from the single, because it honestly is a little confusing. SO here we gooooooooooooo...

"The Atlantic was born today, and I'll tell you how
The clouds above opened up and let it out
I was standing on the surface of a perforated sphere
When the water filled every hole
And thousands upon thousands made an ocean
Making islands where no islands should go (oh no)

Most people were overjoyed; they took to their boats
I thought it less like a lake and more like a moat
The rhythm of my footsteps crossing flatlands to your
Door have been silenced forevermore
And the distance is quite simply much to far for me to row;
It seems farther than ever before (oh no)

I need you so much closer

So come on; come on"


my translation would be:

i lost the love of my life, and let me tell you how it all went down.
this ocean was made from how much sorrow and rain has been put into the picture.
i'm drowning...
its gotten so distant, that its starting to seem like a world that (he/she) can actually live in....without me.

while everyone else seems to be happy,
this ocean was just keeping me away from the one i love
theres no way out of the water.
so distant, that i can't find the strength to find my way back to (him/her)

i need you so much closer, so come closer.

How freaking beautiful and artistic is that love? This song is pure artistry and I love every second of it. Enjoy y'all.

Stay Gold-- KT

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

**dropping my mixed tape 2knever**

So, this past week I acquired some wealth from my refund check. Probably the grade A worst idea is to give a young adult a check with ALOT of money on it all at one time. My thoughts were "Yeah, I'm basically rich for the moment, so YES I want to go spend 300 dollars on 9 vinyl albums and a record player."
So that is exactly what I did, had I not done this.... I would have never listened to Hozier's entire album...... laying on the bedroom floor.... in silence...

life changing.

Seriously though, this blog is going to be all about things that remind me of the moment of impact when I fell in love with something. No matter what that "thing" is. This album reminded me why I fell in love with music in the first place.

Hello, my friends. I'm Sarah Katelyn, but people call me KT. Some have even shortened it to K. Sooner or later I'm just not going to have a name, but we'll deal with that issue when it arises.
I'm a Pi Beta Phi at the University of Memphis. I have this fascination with music and anything black. It's my favorite color. And its also my viewpoint of the world itself. I see things very black and white. I'm not a very colorful person, but I will be the one that hugs you until you smile, because life is just way too short.

 So for my first post I though it was only appropriate that I share some songs I've been binge listening to all week so here ya go.....

-Breakers by Local Natives... crank it up while you're doing homework or just sitting in your room.
- In Your Atmosphere(live) by John Mayer... ANYTIME. ALL THE TIME. Listen to it. It's art.
-Morocco by Moon Taxi.... dancedancedancedancedance
-Beth/Rest(studio) by Bon Iver.... take a moment and educate yourself on a song in its purest form.
-To Be Alone by Hozier.... listen to it when you want to feel like a badass for a night. Trust me on this.
- From Eden by Hozier......on a sunny day, roll your windows down and be happy. I don't care if you   think your life sucks. Listen to this and be happy because you deserve it.

Enjoy it, y'all. 

Stay Gold -- KT